home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ; PSPad clip definition file for ActionScript and HTML version 1
- ;
- ; Author: Karel Pavelka webjob@seznam.cz
- ; last change: 5.6.2003
- ;
- [Macro definition]
- %align3%=@C align=,align=,,center;left;right,'
- %boolean%=@C boolean,,,true;false,"
- %color%=@E color=,color=,,,'
- %command%=@C command,,,allowscale;fullscreen;exep;quit;showmenu;trapallkeys,"
- %condition%=@E condition,,,,
- %event%=@C event,,,load;unload;enterFrame;mouseDown;mouseMove;mouseUp;keyDown;keyUP;data,
- %face%=@F face=,face=,,,'
- %frame%=@E snapshot,,,,
- %href%=@O href=,href=,http://,html file (*.html;*.htm;*.php;*.php3;*.asp)|*.html;*.htm;*.php;*.php3;*.asp,'
- %include%=@O include,include,,ActionScript(*.as)|*.as,
- %keycode%=@E key code,,,,
- %level%=@C level,,,0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9,
- %loadi%=@P picture,,,,,"
- %init%=@E inicialization,,,,
- %next%=@E next,,,,
- %loadt%=@O text file,,,document (*.txt)|*.txt,"
- %loadxml%=@O file,,,file (*.xml;*.php;*.php3;*.asp)|*.xml;*.php;*.php3;*.asp,"
- %loops%=@E loop count,,,,,
- %method%=@C method,,,get;post,"
- %n%=@E number,,,,,
- %on%=@C on,,,press;release;releaseOutside;rollOver;rollOut;dragOver;dragOut;keyPress'<BACKSPACE>';keyPress'<CAPSLOCK>';keyPress'<CONTROL>';keyPress'<DELETEKEY>';keyPress'<DOWN>';keyPress'<END>';keyPress'<ENTER>';keyPress'<ESCAPE>';keyPress'<HOME>';keyPress'<INSERT>';keyPress'<LEFT>';keyPress'<PGDN>';keyPress'<PGUP>';keyPress'<RIGHT>';keyPress'<SHIFT>';keyPress'<SPACE>';keyPress'<TAB>';keyPress'<UP>',
- %scene%=@E scene,,,,,"
- %size%=@E size=,size=,,,'
- %target%=@C target=,target=,,_blank;_parent;_self;_top,'
- %url%=@O file,,,file (*.swf)|*.swf,"
- %variable%=@E variable,,,,
- %window%=@C window,,,_blank;_parent;_self;_top,
- %x%=@E osa x,,,,,
- %value%=@E value,,,,,
- %XML%=@E XML variable,,,,
- %y%=@E osa y,,,,,
- ;
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; HTML version 1.0 tags, supported by Flash in dynamic text fields
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- [a |N link without underline]
- <a %href% %target%>º|</a>
- ;
- [a |N link with underline]
- <u><a %href%>º|</a></u>
- ;
- [b |N bold text <b></b>]*CTRL+B
- <b>º|</b>
- ;
- [body |N document body]
- <body>
- º|
- </body>
- ;
- [br |N line break]*CTRL+ENTER
- <br>
- ;
- [font |N font setting]
- <font %size% %face% %color%>º|</font>
- ;
- [html |N html document <html></html>]
- <html>
- º|
- </html>
- ;
- [HTMLs |N simple HTML template]
- %variable%=<html>
- <body>
- º|
- </body>
- </html>
- ;
- [i |N italic text]
- <i>º|</i>
- ;
- [p |N paragraph]*SHIFT+CTRL+P
- <p %align3%>
- º|
- </p>
- ;
- [u |N underline text]
- <u>º|</u>
- ;
- ;
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; ActionScript
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ;
- [/*...*/ | block comment]
- /*
- º|
- */
- ;
- [break | loop break]
- break;
- ;
- [continue | continue loop with new iteration]
- continue;
- ;
- [call |D execute script connected to snapshot label]
- call(%frame%);
- ;
- [delete | removes variable]
- delete %variable%;
- ;
- [do_while | loop control]
- do {
- |
- } while (%condition%)
- ;
- [else | ELSE condition (part of IF-ELSE)]
- elese {
- |
- }
- ;
- [exIMAGE | load external image to presentation]
- createEmptyMovieClip(%variable%, %n%);
- %variable%.loadMovie(%loadi%);
- %variable%._visible = true;
- %variable%._x=%x%;
- %variable%._y=%y%;
- ;
- [for | FOR loop control]
- for (%init%; %condition%; %next%){
- |
- }
- ;
- [fscommand | FS command]
- fscommand(%command%, %boolean%);
- ;
- [fscommandA | prevent presentation size changes]
- fscommand("allowscale","false");
- ;
- [fscommandF | fullscreen presentation]
- fscommand("fullscreen","true");
- ;
- [fscommandN | open document *.txt in Notepad from Flash presentation]
- fscommand("exep","notepad"+chr(9)+%loadt%);
- ;
- [fscommandQ | finish presentation]
- fscommand("quit");
- ;
- [fscommandS | hide context menu]
- fscommand("showmenu","false");
- ;
- [fscommandT | disable shortcuts]
- fscommand("trapallkeys","true");
- ;
- [getURL | load file from URL]
- getURL(%url%);
- ;
- [gotoAndPlay | goto and play]
- gotoAndPlay(|);
- ;
- [gotoAndStop | goto and stop]
- gotoAndStop(|);
- ;
- [if | condition command definition]
- if (%condition%) {
- |
- }
- ;
- [ifFrameLoaded |D ]
- ifFrameLoaded()
- ;
- [include | inserts ActionScript from external document]
- #include "%include%"
- ;
- [initclip | inicialization]
- #initclip |
- ;
- [loadMovie | load movie]
- loadMovie(%url%, %method%);
- ;
- [loadMovieNum | load movie with designate level]
- loadMovie(%url%, %level%);
- ;
- [loadVariables | load movie into clip from external variable]
- loadVariables(%loadt%, %method%);
- ;
- [Mouse.hide | hide mouse cursor]
- Mouse.hide();
- ;
- [Mouse.show | show mouse cursor]
- Mouse.show();
- ;
- [nextScene | next scene]
- nextScene();
- ;
- [nextFrame | next snapshot]
- nextFrame();
- ;
- [on | assign action to button]
- on (%on%) {
- }
- ;
- [on1 | goto scene after button press]
- on(release) {
- tellTarget (_root) {
- gotoAndPlay (%scene%, %frame%)
- }
- }
- ;
- [onJS | link to JavaScript]
- on (release) {
- getURL("Javascript:|");
- }
- ;
- [onClipEvent | on clip event]
- onClipEvent(%event%) {
- }
- ;
- [play | start playback from actual time scale position]
- play();
- ;
- [prevScene | previous scene]
- prevScene();
- ;
- [useCodepage | allow use Unicode charset]
- System.useCodepage=true;
- ;
- [setDate | set day in month]
- setDate(|);
- ;
- [setFullYear | set month, year and date]
- setFullYear(|);
- ;
- [stop | stop playback]
- stop();
- ;
- [stopAllSounds | stop sound playback]
- stopAllSounds();
- ;
- [stopDrag | stop clip draging]
- stopDrag();
- ;
- [targetPath | ]
- targetPath();
- ;
- [toggleHighQuality |D ]
- toggleHighQuality()
- ;
- [trace | show expression in ouptup window - debug mode]
- trace("º|");
- ;
- [undefined | undefined]
- undefined
- ;
- [unloadMovie | remove loaded movie]
- unloadMovie(%url%|);
- ;
- [unloadMovieNum | remove loaded movie from level]
- unloadMovieNum(%level%);
- ;
- [var | define local variable]
- var %variable% = %value%;
- ;
- [XML | create XML objectu instance]
- %XML% = new XML();
- ;
- [XMLattributes | XML Node attribute]
- %XML%.attributes;
- ;
- [XMLload | ]
- %XML%.load(%loadxml%);
- ;
- [XMLloaded | verifying XML dokument inserting finished]
- %XML%.loaded;
- ;
- [XMLignoreWhite| ignore white space]
- %XML%.ignoreWhite = true;
- ;
- [XMLonData | ]
- %XML%.onData(%xmlsrc%);
- ;
- [XMLonLoad | ]
- %XML%.onLoad(success);
- ;
- [XMLNode.parentNode | return parent node]
- .parentNode;
- ;
- [XMLsend | XML - send object]
- %XML%.send(%url%, %window%);
- ;
- [XMLxmlDec1 | get XML deklaration]
- %XML%.xmlDec1|
- ;
- [Keywords]
- abs
- Accessibility
- acos
- add
- addItem
- addItemAt
- addListener
- addProperty
- align
- alpha
- and
- appendChild
- apply
- applyChanges
- arguments
- Array
- arrow
- asin
- atan
- atan2
- attachMovie
- attachSound
- attributes
- autoSize
- background
- backgroundColor
- backgroundDisabled
- beginFill
- beginGradientFill
- bold
- Boolean
- border
- borderColor
- bottomScroll
- bullet
- call
- callee
- caller
- capabilities
- ceil
- clear
- clearInterval
- cloneNode
- close
- color
- Color
- concat
- connect
- contentType
- cos
- createElement
- createEmptyMovieClip
- createTextField
- createTextNode
- currentframe
- curveTo
- CustomActions
- darkshadow
- data
- Date
- do
- docTypeDecl
- dragOut
- dragOver
- droptarget
- duplicateMovieClip
- duration
- embedFonts
- enabled
- endFill
- endinitclip
- enterFrame
- escape
- eval
- exp
- face
- false
- firstChild
- floor
- focusEnabled
- focusrect
- focusRectInner
- focusRectOuter
- font
- foregroundDisabled
- framesloaded
- fromCharCode
- fscommand
- FStyleFormat
- get
- getAscii
- getBeginIndex
- getBounds
- getBytesLoaded
- getBytesTotal
- getCaretIndex
- getCode
- getData
- getDate
- getDay
- getDepth
- getEnabled
- getEndIndex
- getFocus
- getFontList
- getFullYear
- getGroupName
- getHours
- getItemAt
- getLabel
- getLength
- getMilliseconds
- getMinutes
- getMonth
- getNewTextFormat
- getPan
- getPaneHeight
- getPaneWidth
- getProperty
- getRGB
- getRowCount
- getScrollContent
- getScrollPosition
- getSeconds
- getSelectedIndex
- getSelectedIndices
- getSelectedItem
- getSelectedItems
- getSelectMultiple
- getState
- getTextExtent
- getTextFormat
- getTime
- getTimer
- getTimezoneOffset
- getTransform
- getURL
- getUTCDate
- getUTCDay
- getUTCFullYear
- getUTCMilliseconds
- getUTCMinutes
- getUTCMonth
- getUTCSeconds
- getUTCHours
- getValue
- getVersion
- getVolume
- getYear
- global
- globalStyleFormat
- globalToLocal
- gotoAndPlay
- gotoAndStop
- hasAccessibility
- hasAudio
- hasAudioEncoder
- hasChildNodes
- hasVideoEncoder
- height
- hide
- highlight
- highlight3D
- highquality
- hitArea
- hscroll
- html
- htmlText
- charAt
- charCodeAt
- check
- childNodes
- ifFrameLoaded
- ignoreWhite
- include
- indent
- indexOf
- initclip
- insertBefore
- install
- int
- isActive
- isDown
- isFinite
- isNaN
- isToggled
- italic
- join
- Key
- keyDown
- keyPress
- keyUp
- lastChild
- lastIndexOf
- leading
- leftMargin
- length
- lineStyle
- lineTo
- list
- LN10
- LN2
- load
- loaded
- loadMovie
- loadMovieNum
- loadScrollContent
- loadSound
- loadVariables
- loadVariablesNum
- LoadVars
- localToGlobal
- log
- LOG10E
- Math
- maxhscroll
- maxChars
- maxscroll
- mbchr
- mblength
- mbord
- mbsubstring
- min
- Mouse
- mouseDown
- mouseMove
- mouseUp
- moveTo
- multiline
- name
- NaN
- newline
- nextFrame
- nextScene
- nextSibling
- nodeName
- nodeType
- nodeValue
- not
- null
- Number
- Object
- onClipEvent
- onClose
- onConnect
- onData
- onDragOut
- onDragOver
- onEnterFrame
- onChanged
- onKeyDown
- onKeyUp
- onKillFocus
- onLoad
- onMouseDown
- onMouseMove
- onMouseUp
- onPress
- onRelease
- onReleaseOutside
- onResize
- onRollOut
- onRollOver
- onScroller
- onSetFocus
- onSoundComplete
- onUnload
- onXML
- ord
- parent
- parentNode
- parseFloat
- parseInt
- parseXML
- password
- PI
- pixelAspectRatio
- play
- pop
- position
- pow
- press
- prevFrame
- previousSibling
- prevScene
- print
- printAsBitmap
- printAsBitmapNum
- printNum
- proto__
- prototype
- push
- quality
- radioDot
- random
- refreshPane
- registerClass
- registerSkinElement
- release
- releaseOutside
- removeAll
- removeItemAt
- removeListener
- removeMovieClip
- removeNode
- removeTextField
- replaceItemAt
- replaceSel
- restrict
- reverse
- rightMargin
- rollOut
- rollOver
- root
- rotation
- round
- scaleMode
- screenColor
- screenDPI
- screenResolutionX
- screenResolutionY
- scroll
- scrollTrack
- selectable
- selection
- Selection
- selectionDisabled
- selectionUnfocused
- send
- sendAndLoad
- set
- setAutoHideScrollBar
- setClickHandler
- setData
- setDragContent
- setEditable
- setEnabled
- setFocus
- setFullYear
- setGroupName
- setHorizontal
- setHours
- setHScroll
- setChangeHandler
- setInterval
- setItemSymbol
- setLabel
- setLabelPlacement
- setLargeScroll
- setMask
- setMilliseconds
- setMinutes
- setMonth
- setNewTextFormat
- setPan
- setProperty
- setRGB
- setRowCount
- setScrollContent
- setScrollPosition
- setScrollProperties
- setScrollTarget
- setSeconds
- setSelectedIndex
- setSelectedIndices
- setSelection
- setSelectMultiple
- setSize
- setSmallScroll
- setState
- setStyleProperty
- setTextFormat
- setTime
- setTransform
- setUTCDate
- setUTCFullYear
- setUTCMilliseconds
- setUTCMinutes
- setUTCMonth
- setUTCSeconds
- setUTCHours
- setValue
- setVolume
- shadow
- shift
- show
- showMenu
- sin
- size
- slice
- sort
- sortItemsBy
- sortOn
- Sound
- soundbuftime
- splice
- split
- sqrt
- SQRT1_2
- Stage
- Stagealign
- start
- startDrag
- status
- stop
- stopAllSounds
- stopDrag
- String
- substr
- substring
- super
- swapDepths
- System
- tabEnabled
- tabChildren
- tabIndex
- tabStops
- tan
- target
- targetPath
- tellTarget
- text
- textAlign
- textBold
- textColor
- textDisabled
- textFont
- TextFormat
- textHeight
- textIndent
- textItalic
- textLeftMargin
- textRightMargin
- textSelected
- textSize
- textUnderline
- textWidth
- toggleHighQuality
- toLowerCase
- toString
- totalframes
- toUpperCase
- trace
- trackAsMenu
- true
- type
- undefined
- underline
- unescape
- uninstall
- unload
- unloadMovie
- unloadMovieNum
- unshift
- unwatch
- UP
- updateAfterEvent
- url
- useHandCursor
- valueOf
- variable
- visible
- watch
- width
- wordWrap
- xmlDecl
- XMLSocket
- xmouse
- xscale
- ymouse
- yscale